Alverdens mediechefer til Trump: Drop angreb på medierne


28/03/2017 14:33

Nick Allentoft

I et brev til præsident Trump giver 40 medieledere udtryk for, at de er bekymrede over udfald mod pressen. Fra Rusland til USA og Sydafrika til Asien står medieledere sammen om budskabet. Læs brevet her.

To danske medieledere er medunderskrivere på et brev fra sammenlagt 40 medieledere fra hele verden.

Brevet er rettet til den amerikanske præsident, Donald Trump, i kølvandet på hans udfald mod pressen.

Formand Lars Munch, JP/Politikens Hus, og chefredaktør samt administrerende direktør Erik Bjerager, Kristeligt Dagblad, har skrevet om deres bekymring.

De er bekymret på grund af den nye amerikanske regering samt præsidentens vedvarende angreb på pressen.

Medielederne skriver på vegne af dagbladenes verdensorganisation Wan-Ifra og sammenslutningen af redaktører i World Editors Forum.

Det fremgår af Wan-Ifras hjemmeside, hvor brevet er frit tilgængeligt.

De frygter, at pressefriheden er truet. De henviser til angreb på nyhedsmedier og udelukkelsen af udvalgte medier fra et pressemøde for nylig i Det Hvide Hus.

Den frie presses rolle er beskyttet både af den amerikanske forfatning og internationale menneskerettighedserklæringer, lyder det i brevet.

I brevet kritiseres præsidenten for at betegne en række amerikanske medier blandt andre New York Times, NBC News og CNN som "fake news".

De medier, du henviser til, "overholder de højeste professionelle og etiske standarder, og det er uærligt at sige, at de bidrager til den igangværende "fake news"-epidemi", lyder det i brevet.

Desuden understreger medielederne, at det ikke bør hedde "fake news", men mere retteligt "misinformation".

  HER ER BREVET:  The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) 96 Bis Rue Beaubourg 75003 Paris,  France   27 March 2017     His Excellency Donald Trump President of the United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500     For the Attention of the President of the United States of America     Dear Mr President,   We are writing on behalf of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and the World Editors Forum (WEF), to express our deep concern at recent comments made by you and your administration targeting news media. Combined with the exclusion of selected news outlets from a recent White House press briefing, we fear that the overall climate for media freedom currently being fostered by your presidency seriously jeopardises the on-going ability of a free press to hold power to account in the United States.    Mr President, we are dismayed to hear your frequent comments since being elected to office disparaging media and targeting individual outlets - seemingly for no other reason than personal retribution for critical reporting of you or your administration. We remind you that it is the role of a free press, protected under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, and Article 19 of both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to subject government and the actions of elected officials to the highest standards of scrutiny and accountability.    We highlight one particular comment, among many, that you chose to articulate via the Twitter platform, the sentiments of which you then repeated during a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference held on February 24th 2017:    “The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!”   Such an accusation is immensely damaging on a number of levels. Firstly, ‘fake news’, more appropriately termed ‘disinformation’, is indeed provoking a crisis among professional news media institutions throughout the world. Addressing the question of how the professional media responds to the growing phenomenon is one of the highest priorities for our members. It is deeply unhelpful, however, to see the President of the United States of America fuelling antagonism towards news outlets by labelling them – misleadingly - as ‘fake news’. In reality, the organisations cited by you in this particular tweet adhere to the highest professional and ethical standards, and it is disingenuous to suggest they contribute to the current ‘fake news’ epidemic.   The effects of deliberate attempts to spread disinformation have been seen to influence election processes, alter policy, and surface unprecedented hatreds and growing resentment between peoples; all of which contribute to the division of communities. The causes, as well as the appropriate responses required to counter disinformation are being analysed by newsrooms globally, particularly in terms of what this means for professional media and the practice of journalism.    The media will find a response that continues to valorise the work of professional journalists and allows the public to filter facts from fiction. However, differentiating between those that apply such standards and the organisations, blogging sites, social media commentators, etc., that do not, is very much part of the core challenge ahead regarding tackling disinformation.   While in no way suggesting that media is, or should be, beyond criticism we point to the rigorously established forms of redress and retraction available to all who feel wronged by the actions of professional media organisations. When this fails, our democratic societies have established legal recourse to set limitations on freedom of expression, as measured against appropriate international standards. The checks and balances provided by an independent judiciary and an independent media are therefore essential to maintaining the correct intersection between the application of laws and the exercise of rights in any political society.   Such a system as exists in the United States is one to which many other countries aspire, and that professional organisations such as WAN-IFRA frequently cite as a model on which to draw example when attempting to strengthen frameworks around media in the world’s most challenging regions. The US is looked to as inspiration for many around the world, particularly in terms of governance standards, the application of the law, and fundamental freedoms as upheld in the Constitution: it is therefore essential for the US to maintain its high regard for these rights and to do its utmost to guarantee their protection. Failure to do so risks weakening these values for US citizens (and included in this, media) at home, as well as inspiring authoritarian regimes abroad to weaken their commitment to democratic values.   Mr President, recent events appear to place all of this in jeopardy. We must also take firm exception to your accusation that media is the ‘enemy of the American People’. At a time when journalists and news media are being increasingly targeted for violent reprisal (and, in too many cases, often deadly retribution as a result of the work they do), the tone of your comment is highly inflammatory. In a deeply divided America, a country facing many challenges on numerous fronts, the need for a vocal and critical press to act as the watchdog over essential freedoms on behalf of society seems more urgent than ever.    We feel strongly that the President of the world’s leading democracy should welcome and encourage the kind of rigorous self-criticism a free media upholds as a means of ensuring the highest attainable standards of governance. Media should not be seen as a hindrance to achieving this, and therefore we urge you to reconsider the language you use in order to better reflect this and to ensure the channels of power remain open and accessible to all media.   WAN-IFRA was founded in 1948 by the remnants of the independent European press who recognised media had - in light of the rise of violent populism and the horrors that it brought during the Second World War - to a large extent failed in its responsibility to protect democratic values on the continent. The organisation based its core principles around the notion that a free, independent press is the cornerstone of democratic society, and that without a vibrant, financially healthy and courageous media our communities would again be left exposed to the kind of tyranny and persecution witnessed in the lead up to, and during the years of conflict that so ravaged the world.   The association quickly grew from its initial base, and today embraces some 18,000 members from over 120 countries worldwide. Many of our early, most vocal supporters were – and indeed remain so today – from amongst the US press; the very members for whom we feel the urgent need to speak out on behalf of in this letter.   In this context, and given the pressing need to redress the attitudes of the current administration towards the press, we invite you to meet with our representatives at your earliest convenience to discuss ways of rebuilding a professional relationship. We firmly believe, Mr President, in the importance and value that a vociferous, critical press brings to democratic society; we would very much welcome the opportunity to convince you likewise.    Sincerely,   Lars Munch, Chairman JP/Politiken Newspapers, Denmark     Matti Kalliokoski, Editorial Page Editor Helsingin Sanomat, Finland   Zaffar Abbas, Editor Dawn Newspaper, Pakistan   Erik Bjerager, Editor in Chief and MD Kristeligt Dagblad, Denmark   David Callaway, Editor Emeritus and CEO, USA   Patrick Daniel, Deputy CEO Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore   Michael Cooke, Editor Toronto Star, Canada   Fatemah Farag, CEO  Welad ElBalad Media, Egypt   Javier Garza, News Editor Imagen Laguna, Mexico   Lisa MacLeod, Head of Digital Times Media, South Africa   Toyosi Ogunseye, Editor Sunday Punch, Nigeria   Verashni Pillay, Editor in Chief Huffington Post South Africa South Africa   Stephen Rae, Editor in Chief Independent News and Media, Ireland   Marcelo Rech , President World Editors Forum, Brazil   Bongani Siqoko, Editor Sunday Times, South Africa   Vladimir Sungorkin, General Director and Chief Editor Komsomolskaya Pravda, Russia   Chun Wai Wong, CEO Star Publications, Malaysia   Daniel Dessein, President Adepa (Argentina Press Association) Regional Vice President Inter-American Press Association, Argentina   Mag. Gerald Grünberger, Verbandsgeschäftsführer VÖZ - Verband Österreichischer Zeitungen, Austria   Jayme Sirotsky, President Emeritus Grupo RBS, Brazil   Vesa-Pekka Kangaskorpi, President and CEO Keskisuomalainen Oyj, Finland   Carlos Guyot, Editor in Chief La Nacion, Argentine   Tomas Brunegård, President WAN-IFRA, Sweden   Valdo Lehari Jr., Publisher & CEO  Reutlinger General-Anzeiger  Vice-President European Newspaper Publisher’s Association (ENPA), Vice-President BDZV, Reutlinger General-Anzeiger Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG, Germany   Thomas Lindner, CEO FAZ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany   Kasturi Balaji, Director Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Publishers of The Hindu, India   K.N. Shanth Kumar, Director The Printers (Mysore) Pvt Ltd. Editor, Prajavani, India   Jacob Mathew, Managing Editor & Publisher Malayala Manorama Company Ltd., India   Pratap G. Pawar, Chairman Sakaal Media Group, India   Anette Novak, Board Member World Editors Forum, Sweden   D D Purkayastha, Managing Director & CEO ABP Pvt. Ltd., India   Rolf Dyrnes Svendsen, Chairman of the Board NextMedia, Norway   Joseph Opondo Odindo, Editorial Director  The Standard, Kenya   Tore Stangebye, Treasurer WAN-IFRA, Norway   Eugene Abov, Publisher Russia Beyond the Headlines (RTBH), Russia   Javier Moll de Miguel President, Prensa Ibérica, Spain   Hans Heinrich Coninx, Board Member Schweizer Medien - Swiss News Publisher’s Association, Switzerland   Pichai Chuensuksawadi Former Editor-in-Chief Post Publishing / Former Editor Bangkok Post, Thailand   Donna Barrett, President & CEO Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc., USA   Michael Golden, 1st Vice President WAN-IFRA / Vice Chairman,      The New York Times, USA       Jeanette Gustafsdotter, CEO Swedish Media Publishers Association, Sweden   Mario Calabresi, Editor in Chief La Repubblica, Italy

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