International kampdag: Her er talen til både kvinder og mænd i mange lande


08/03/2016 08:51

Nick Allentoft

Muslimske Alaa Murabit taler kvinders - og meneskers - sag med skarphed, humor og får samtidig sat enhver fundamentalist grundigt på plads.



Her er teksten, som TedTalks selv præsenterer talen med: 

Strong faith is a core part of Alaa Murabit's identity — but when she moved from Canada to Libya as a young woman, she was surprised how the tenets of Islam were used to severely limit women's rights, independence and ability to lead. She wondered: Was this really religious doctrine? With humor, passion and a refreshingly rebellious spirt, she shares how she found examples of female leaders across the history of her faith — and how she speaks up for women using verses from the Koran.   <iframe src=" width="854" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

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