Bevægelserne i lykke-barometerets top 10 sker inden for så små decimaler, at den væsentlige historie langt fra handler om Danmark på førstepladsen. Den handler snarere om, at en lang række lande har negativ udvikling i de tal, der danner grund for barometeret.
Således peger dette års rapport på, at lande som Grækenland, Spanien og Italien har oplevet et større fald i deres samlede lykketal, ligesom også Danmark og Frankrig ligger i den tunge ende over landenes lykke-udvikling.
En tankevækkende bemærkning i rapporten handler iøvrigt om, at kriser kan forstærke et folks lykke. Således skriver forfatterne:
“We continue to see evidence that major crises have the potential to alter life evaluations in quite different ways according to the quality of the social and institutional infrastructure. In particular, as shown in World Happiness Report 2013 and World Happiness Report 2015, there is evidence that a crisis imposed on a weak institutional structure can actually further damage the quality of the supporting social fabric if the crisis triggers blame and strife rather than co-operation and repair.
On the other hand, economic crises and natural disasters can, if the underlying institutions are of sufficient quality, lead to improvements rather than damage to the social fabric.These improvements not only ensure better responses to the crisis, but also have substantial additional happiness returns, since people place real value to feeling that they belong to a caring and effective community “
På det grundlag kan du således danne din helt egen konklusion om Danmarks topplacering på den ene liste og bundplacering på den anden.